Thursday, April 4, 2013

Letting Go

It has been 2 weeks post op today, I am feeling pretty good overall. I am much more tired and exhausted than I thought I would be by now and having a little trouble sleeping. Things that normally are no big deal like taking a shower, helping getting the boys dressed and taking a short walk wear me out so quickly. I am really struggling with that part, I am an extremely active person and I feel extremely helpless. My mom is here during the day to help me and Ron takes care of me at night after he gets home from work. I have had to ask God for a lot of help learning to rest and trust in Him. Some days the circumstances seem overwhelming but when they do I usually get a phone call, a text or a card from one of My people and I hear God's tender voice saying "I love you". My mom and Ron have been amazing making sure I am getting my rest and being beyond understanding that I have had a major surgery and am struggling mentally and physically especially in preparation of chemo.

Since the day I put my faith in Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, He has blessed me immeasurably more than all I could think or imagine. My life has been filled with ups and downs especially regarding my health journey but he is always giving me strength and peace when I am weary. 

Throughout it all He has renewed my strength to face each new day. He embraces my hopes and lovingly protects a heart that trusts. God has a lot more to teach me, a lot more of showing His love for me through this whole process. Some days it seems like a lifetime until this will be over but I know I will look back and this will only be a small part of my long life ahead. 

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