Monday, May 6, 2013

Counting on His Faithfulness

Sorry it has been so long since I have written, a lot has happened in the last few weeks so let me catch you up.
1. Sunday Ron traveled to Peru last week with no phone or internet access.
2. Wednesday had my post op surgical appt which went great, my doctor said I can go back to normal activities.
3. Wednesday night I started having the most intense pains in my stomach I have ever felt, they continued to get worse so bad that I started to vomit from the pain. I called my doctor and he told me to go to the emergency room, that I had a blockage in my intestine. They did x-rays and a CT Scan, they found a blockage but my there were no kinks or folds so I wouldn't have to do surgery and I just had to wait it out. They gave me pain and anti nausea meds to try and make me feel comfortable.
4. I was supposed to start my first chemo treatment Thursday morning but since I was in the hospital that didn't happen right away. My oncologist gave me the go ahead to start the chemo in the hospital Thursday afternoon.
5. My chemo treatment started Thursday afternoon at 3:00 and they continued it overnight by IV infusion until Friday at 2:00.
6. Ron came home from Peru around 1:30 on Friday not knowing I was in the hospital, he came to the hospital in time to take me to Lemmen Holton Cancer Center to receive my infusion pump to take home.
7. Saturday morning we went back to Lemmen Holton to have my pump removed.
So that brings us to today, I am 2 days post chemo treatment 1 and feeling great! Other than a few minimal side effects including fatigue and sensitivity to cold including when I drink and touch anything cold I feel good. The doctors gave me anti nausea meds, I have felt like I was on the edge of getting sick a couple times but I took the meds and am now staying on top of them and have not gotten sick.

I feel very strong and healthy at this point in my journey and I know this will not always be so I am enjoying it while I can.  I have been so encouraged and strengthened by the beauty I see outside, with arrival of Spring I see that God is providing all his living creatures with with exactly what they need and I know he will do the same for me. He will provide for me through every need and decision related to my cancer journey and for life! I am daily reminded of his faithfulness and presence, even today as He is protecting me from side effects.

My family has been overwhelmed by the goodness of the people in our lives through my surgery and now the beginning of of chemo. I wish I could personally sit down and thank each and everyone of you for the big and little things you have done for our family. When people say there is no longer good in this world they do not know my family and friends, I know I have said this before and will say it again but we have the worlds best support system and I could not go through this without them/you.

I know that the power of prayer is unsurpassed, God has placed this desire on your heart and I beyone grateful
Prayer Requests
1. No side effects from the chemo
2. For complete healing of my body and removal of all cancer
3. Renewed strength for myself and my family as we begin this chemo journey


  1. You are such a beautiful, strong soul. Praying still, and sending so much love from Cali <3

  2. Sending you lots of prayers for continued strength, minimal side effects, and removal of all of the cancer! Now you have love coming from Boston too, so you're covered across the country!
