Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do not fear for I am with you

Sorry for the delay in updating I have been an in extreme amount of pain and discomfort, and to behonest a little down. The pain for the surgery was enough and then on Sunday there was a small blockage in my ileostomy  not letting the fluid fully go through to the bag and I started vomiting in the middle of the night. The doctors put in a NG tube down my throat, which the most painful and uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced. I had to leave it in for two days and couldn't eat or drink anything.  I was able to get that takeout tonight and it was a huge relief both emotionally and physically.

My doctor came in this morning with our pathology results, 12 lymph nodes are required to diagnose cancer. If any removed nodes test positive for cancer Chemo is recommended especially at my age. My Dr. Figg removed 55 nodes and 1 of those 55 tested positive for cancer, so cancer can be in very small traces throughtout the body.

My Dr. recommmended starting chemo in 4-6 weeks, so I will mostly recovered by from surgery  and my immunse system will be doing better then and I will have to be on Chemo for 6 months. My second surgery won't be for another month after surgery.

Processing this all has been quite hard, but my family has been here holding my hands the wholeway. Ron has been my rock pretty much here 24/7 since last Thrusday helping me with anything andneverything. So this next year is going to be rough, but I am strong and I will get through this.

God, I am suffering but I know you will carry me and make me strong. I seek refuge in you, give me Your courage to face anything. Provide your Spirit to renew trust and faith in You and strengthen me against all weakness and discouragement. God I know you are with me and will not let me go. I am so thankful for the hope I have in you.

Please keep us in your prayers, I would love to able to be home for Easter!


I will try and keep updating my blog as much as possible depending on how I feel.


  1. Lord, I thank you that you are the God who heals. You are healing Heidi's body from symptoms from surgery, from pain, from nausea, from cancer. Draw Heidi close to experience your healing presence to trust your healing touch. Cancer you cannot stand against the power of God. In Jesus name we tell you that you have no place in Heidi's body. Thank you, Jesus for your power. Be glorified as your healing is evidenced in Heidi's body today. Love to you, Heidi.

  2. Heidi,

    Our prayers have been with you continually since we found out the situation. We are grieving for the news but like you said God is working through this somehow. Your faith has been an inspiration to us since we've known you as a middle school student.

    We are so glad that God provided Ron in addition to your amazing family to stand beside you during this time. I'm praying that you feel their shoulders on both side of yours as you walk through this deep valley.

    Let the truth of Hebrews 13:5 be real to you today, that He will "never leave you or forsake you."

    Jeff & Arianna
