Thursday, March 21, 2013

Praise be to God

Dear Lord,
You know my thoughts, my fears and my frailties. I praise You in the good times and the bad, thank You Lord for loving me unconditionally and not giving up on me. Lord you are a sovereign God that is in control of all things, I know You've got this! Help me to rest and trust in you, you know that I am not good at that so please forgive me in advance for the moments I will fail. I praise you God for showing Yourself strong and loving in all of this. I know you are the ultimate physician, I pray you guide the hands of the surgeon today during surgery. I pray that you will use this in a way that will draw others closer to you. I pray for my family and friends that you will carry them and give them comfort. Thank You that I can rest in your arms and know that You will take care of me and my family one day at a time. I rest in Your peace and thank you for what you continually reveal to me.



  1. So beautiful ... AMEN and AMEN. I hope it helps to know, Heidi, that I have never seen so many people praying for one situation in one accord. To God be the glory.

  2. We love you and trust you in our Heavenly Fathers loving and all powerful hands.

  3. Lifting you up today, Heidi. Your story and reliance on God are so powerful. Thank you for letting us in on this journey! You are a strong and courageous woman, who is loved so dearly by her Father!
    - Colette
